5 ways a registered dietitian can support your digestive health

If you have a GI condition, understanding how to eat to manage your symptoms can feel stressful and overwhelming. And the endless stream of conflicting information available on the internet can leave you wondering where to even begin. A registered dietitian can help you sift through the hype and tackle your diet with an evidence-based approach, taking into consideration your unique needs. 

Here are 5 reasons why working with a registered dietitian at Oshi Health can make a huge difference in your digestive health, even if you’ve worked with a dietitian in the past. 

1. Specific expertise in GI conditions

Our registered dietitians have deep expertise not just in nutrition, but specifically in gastrointestinal nutrition. They are experts in understanding the relationship between food and gut health to help you identify patterns and understand triggers in what you’re eating. 

2. Personalized dietary changes for your condition

They can help you figure out what type of dietary modifications may be best suited for you, taking into consideration your condition, symptoms, dietary intake, and more. Not only will your registered dietitian address your GI concerns, they’ll also help you make dietary changes that are sustainable long-term by incorporating your lifestyle, preferences, and needs, too. 

3. Fewer trial and error diet changes

They know when a challenging elimination diet may be necessary and when it may not be. A GI trained dietitian is able to identify when a less restrictive approach is likely to be beneficial, sparing people the unnecessary burden of difficult diets and helping them achieve symptom improvement faster. 

4. One-on-one support and education

They can make complicated diets easier to navigate. If you do need to try a specialized diet, working with a registered dietitian can make following complex protocols much easier with education, resources, and guidance. This means a higher chance of successfully implementing the diet, and a lower burden on you, the person following the diet. 

5. Integrated care from a dedicated team

Registered dietitians at Oshi Health work alongside an entire care team, including a GI provider and gut-brain specialist, to build a comprehensive care plan personalized for you. Your team will work together – and partner with you – to ensure that your plan is working, make any necessary adjustments, and provide you with the support you need along the way. 

Ready to see how a registered dietitian can help you manage your GI symptoms? Get started today. 

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